Politics, Technology & Elections, Oh My!
Gotham Media Ventures recently hosted a panel discussion in New York at Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz on Madison Ave., titled “Politics,...
Back from Japan, a little jet-lagged and a lot inspired
I didn’t think to ask anyone how jet-lag would affect me upon returning from Japan….Finally two weeks after my trip, I felt normal again....
Exploring similarities and differences between Japan and the US
Reflecting upon what makes diversity and inclusion so powerful in art, culture and business, I look forward to posting impressions from...
Keeping Your Sense of Humor…In Not So Funny Times
My friend Barbara sat down for dinner the other night and the first question fired across the table was “Now Barbara, what HAVE you been...
Celebrity Gossip or the Physics of Intelligence?
I know I’ve changed now. Like all, when I’m in the airport, I have a ton of choices to buy reading material before boarding the plane....
I'm Mad (And Spoiled) As Hell About the U.S. Economy
Can we agree on one thing? The economy sucks.  I’m asking you – business people of the United States. What are we going to do? Where are...
Women’s Voices from Around the World
I had an amazing opportunity as part of UN Women’s launch to hear a panel of women from around the globe share their voices at the New...
GW student Haley Lesavoy Produces for Washington Post
Great reporting, Haley! I know many who have been waiting patiently for Verizon and iPhone to connect. I am an AT&T subscriber, but many...
Will Little Red Riding Hood Movie Inspire or Veer Off Path?
Little Red Riding Hood movie trailer Remember…. 1. Wolves in disguise can be the most dangerous….Recognize the good and bad in people… ...
Listen to me, little Red Riding Hood…
There are ZERO calories in music. If I listened to more music, instead of snacking on sweets, I’d be a lot thinner…Ok, it’s settled…one...