Adjusting to change can leave you feeling like a kid (even a big baby) at any age. When do we actually begin to function/act like adults? Hmmm. Good question. Handling ourselves when things seem to be out of our control – this is truly a test.- Who doesn’t feel out of control right now? Here are some tips when adjusting to change – 1. Make the time to join a business networking group – online is great – LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. – but strongly consider taking that extra step to meet face-to-face, in person – people help other people (you included) when you feel a connection. There are groups popping up all over the place that are listed in your local business journal, Chamber of Commerce website, even ask at your place of worship or check the local coffee shop bulletin board(s). 2. In this job market, forget any grudges you had. Call and invite someone you haven’t talked to in a while for coffee. Swallow your pride if you have to – what bothered you about someone 5-15 – even 20 years ago, probably isn’t relevant now. We were all hot heads and super cool at one time. Now we are well, not as cool perhaps – but we are much smarter and we know how to forgive, and need others to forgive our previous transgressions perhaps. Remember- this is about economic survival afterall – and becoming a real, functioning adult by the way. 3. Lastly, interview and consider hiring a business coach – there are many choices out there – and just like real estate agents, you need to find the one who can help you based on your individual needs. The economy is tight, and you may be unemployed or experienced a salary cut. But do consider this an option when you get back on your feet financially if you want to grow your career. CEO’s, most successful C-Level executives and business owners tout the benefits.
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